Professional learning to support teachers in developing expertise in teaching statistics and data science in grades 6-12+.
The Friday Institute at NC State University
Product Strategy, Lead UI/UX Designer, Creative Director, Visual Designer
2020 - Present
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The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at North Carolina State University’s InSTEP (Invigorating Statistics and Data Science Teaching through Professional Learning) platform builds teacher expertise in K–12 statistics and data science teaching through personalized professional learning.
InSTEP is a custom learning platform with a backend content management system. It incorporates various surveys to provide recommendations for courses that will be beneficial for the users. The platform includes a community component where educators can come together and discuss different solutions for teaching 6-12th grade statistics and data science. Educators can explore the curriculum through "hands on" in-depth data investigations or by visiting topical areas called dimensions. Users can also earn continuing education units through micro-credentials.

- Oversaw the product strategy and worked with the client and internal team using
user-centered design methodologies to plan and create the new platform. - Incorporated research methods to identify user priority areas and needs. Created
complex flows to define the user’s journey through the platform, site maps, and
design artifacts that could be easily interpreted by the UI Designer. - Participated in focus groups to aid in decision making around the terminology
and the flow and design of the platform. - Worked with the development team to ensure that designs could be reused in a
template with machine readable content for rapid ingestion into the site based
on defined web components. - Reviewed the wireframes, prototypes, and style guide to ensure consistency,
accessibility, and the user and stakeholder’s needs were represented.
The full case study is in progress.
User Flow and Site Map


Styles and Components


Final Product